Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Due to the new challenges of the 21st Century, it is very important to learn a foreign language because of the growing amounts of multilingual people; because of this Colegio St. John’s has focused towards the teaching and learning of foreign languages. When children learn English, it is important that they learn English which is practical and useful. It is important that they learn to speak good English and that they work towards international standards that will prepare them for study abroad, or the international world of work. We have also had many requests from parents that want their children to take an international examination.
As you know, this school year, the school fee did not increase due to the importance of certifying your son or daughter with an International Certification. We would like to take this opportunity, to inform you that as of this school year 2008-2009 it is obligatory that the following grades take Cambridge ESOL Examinations. If you do not want to participate, please make an appointment to speak to Lic. Miguel Vilchis Calderon about this matter.

Exam Information:
YLE Young Learners English is a reliable and consistent measure of how well your child is doing in the skills of listening, speaking and reading and writing. Tests are designed to make learning fun and children are encouraged by working towards certificates and earning the 'shields' that record their progress.
KET is Cambridge ESOL's exam which recognizes the ability to deal with everyday written and spoken English at a basic level.
PET reflects the use of language in real life, such as understanding signs and announcements, and is accepted by many employers as proof of ability to use English in clerical, secretarial or managerial jobs. It is also widely accepted for use in jobs where spoken English is necessary such as tourism, retail, construction, manufacturing and engineering.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Students in Toronto, Canada

Students in Toronto, Canada

Students in Toronto, Canada

Students in Seneca College, Toronto

Students leaving Mexico & in Toronto, Canada